We will assess your child’s communication skills using a variety of assessment methods to obtain a clear understanding of your child’s speech and language needs. We offer a variety of communication assessments including:
Articulation – We evaluate your child’s pronunciation and how it may vary in simple contexts (e.g., single words) compared with in conversation
Motor Speech – In addition to an analysis of your child’s articulation, we assess other factors such as muscle strength and/or tone, motor programming, and phonological memory that impact your child’s communication
Preschool Speech and Language – For children up to and including age 5, we consider all areas of your child’s development that influence communication including, hearing, cognition, play skills, social communication, speech, understanding of language, use of language, and motor development
Stuttering – We investigate the nature of your child’s stuttering, how dysfluencies vary in different situations, and how stuttering impacts your child’s emotional well-being and ability to communicate with others. We use video recordings if consent is given to enhance the accuracy of the assessment
Social Communication – We look at your child’s ability to understand and appropriately use social cues and language.
School Age Language – For children aged 6 to 18 we do a detailed investigation of your child’s understanding and use of spoken language
Literacy or Language Learning Disability – We provide a comprehensive assessment for school age children who are struggling with literacy and/or the learning demands in the classroom. Applicable language skills, phonological awareness, decoding, reading comprehension, spelling, written expression, memory, and executive function skills are examined.
For information on our Assessment fees, please click here.
We can set up a screening clinic at your organization to identify children who need further assessment of their speech and language development and/or speech-language therapy.